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Removal.AI Free Background Eraser Tool for ECommerce Business

E-commerce sales are influenced by the excellent editing techniques that are applied on product images. This industry is completely dependent on the power of photography wherein product photos are the most effective tool for a successful marketing strategy. Among the most common photo editing techniques, background removal seems to be the most familiar. It is very popular that many photo editing services providers are focused on developing new methods and technologies to remove background from image free and fast.

The Need For Background Removal

Humans are highly visual creatures. According to research, most people can remember 80% of what they have seen compared to only 20% of what they have read. We tend to remember how an object looks like and how it works rather than memorizing the descriptions and instructions. To create a deeper impact, entrepreneurs must find a way to create a strategy that will make the consumers retain information from the product, as much as possible, so that they will be enticed to actually buy it.

Importance Of Images
Research source

Remove Distractions & Build Trust

A background eraser seems to be the most efficient solution. First, it literally rids the picture of any clutter that could diminish a product’s aesthetics. Another reason, which is the foremost purpose, is to help direct the focus towards the product instead of anything else, including the background. Leading online marketplaces also require sellers to post product photos with either a white or a transparent background. This encourages a trusting relationship between sellers and customers because it showcases the items without any enhancements to hide flaws and imperfections.

Optimize User Experience

With today’s e-commerce platforms, online shoppers are allowed to buy without any barrier or distance to worry about. Transactions are done online thus making it more convenient to choose and pay for what they want. As per human habit, it is perfectly normal to check out product details before making a purchase. Physically touching, feeling and inspecting products cannot be done online so entrepreneurs have to provide the best alternative. This is where modern technology takes care of the magic through virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and 3D modeling. Before any of these visual “tricks”, images should be properly enhanced and kept realistic. Integrating an image background remover to these advanced technologies result in better showcasing of products.

background eraser online

Highlight The Product

By removing a photo’s background, it opens a multitude of possibilities for the image. It becomes more flexible as it can be used for plenty of other creative applications, such as creating a 3D model of a product. Even the process of presenting multiple angles and scenarios for a more realistic shopping experience is all thanks to a meticulous image background removal.

It is suffice to say that without a dedicated free background remover, product photos for e-commerce may look bland, inartistic, and worse, unappealing.

Learn How to Sell on Amazon FBA

How to Remove Background of an Image

DIY Photo Editing

In recent years, the only way to get perfectly-edited photos is by hiring someone who knows how to edit using image processing software, like Photoshop. Such applications require knowledge and expertise which is why you must be interested and dedicated enough to spend time and effort to master using it. This means that if you are planning to do it yourself, then you need to learn how to use the different applications. This process takes a long time because you need to start on learning the basics and spend more time to master everything, including how to perform the image background removal process.

Related Post: How to Remove Background of an Image in Photoshop

Hiring a Professional to Join the Team

For big companies and online entrepreneurs who can afford it, having an in-house photo editor is one of the best options. It would guarantee consistent results since the professional focuses on only one job and that is to erase backgrounds from the pictures. With this method, the entrepreneur has to consider a lot of things, mainly the cash flow. It is an investment to hire someone for a job that may be seasonal. If you are to deal with lots of photos on a daily basis, then it is a cost-effective solution. Otherwise, you risk having to pay someone even if you are done uploading product photos on the website.

Related Post: When to Hire a Background Removal Service to Assist Your Creative Operations

Hiring a Freelancer

A freelancer may be a cost-efficient solution if dealing with seasonal photo background removal projects. Because payment is only on a project basis, you get to pay only for a specific amount of work done and direct the rest of your funds to other priorities. The downside of this method is that you risk not having consistency or not maintaining a cohesive creative flow, especially if you are hiring different freelancers in every project. You tend to waste time in communicating with the freelancer and explaining how you would like the work to be done. You basically need to give instructions in order for the freelancer to get the style that you need.

Seeking Help From Professional Photo Editing Service Providers

Apart from freelancers, one of the best sources of excellent photo editors are photo editing companies. They are typically a pool of photo editors that basically mastered one or more photo editing techniques. For example, some companies specialize in background removal while some are more adept at photo restorations. These companies also operate in different time zones so job orders are being worked upon 24/7. They are reliable, consistent, and secure but may cost more since most of them are to be paid either on a monthly subscription or a per-image basis.

Related Post: Outsource Background Removal To A Freelancer Vs To A Photo Editing Company

AI-Integrated Background Eraser

As it is very essential in e-commerce, background removal is made easier and faster with the integration of Artificial Intelligence technology. This kind of a background eraser is able to remove background from images in a breeze. Professional photographers, photo editors, designers and other related experts in the field collaborated to use such technology in removing backgrounds from photos.

What makes it ideal to use for e-commerce is that most of these AI-powered background eraser tools can create professional-quality results in a matter of seconds per image. It is lightning fast and yet the outcomes are comparable to hand-drawn techniques. Most of them also come in several packages to suit any budget.
Removal.AI - background removal tool

Use Removal.AI to automatically remove image background using AI! Upload your photo, in just 3 seconds, you can download the desired result for free.
Try it for free today!

Free Background Eraser Online for E-Commerce

In e-commerce, the perfect images sell so a lot of consideration must be placed on having the best background eraser in processing product photos. How these photos are presented will influence the success of the business. It will dictate how the sales are going to be, thus the need to be very careful in choosing which one to have.

With all the pros and cons presented for different background removal techniques, it is smart to conclude that an AI-integrated background eraser is the best alternative. Instead of learning how to use Photoshop or spend for someone to do a relatively easy job, you can count on an easy to use alternative in the form of an AI-powered background eraser. With the Removal.AI tool, you can choose to pay for a specific number of images and finish the task in a few clicks. High-quality photo resolutions are guaranteed so images turn out exceptional every single time.

background eraser

Are you ready to experience the magic behind AI-powered background erasers?
Try Removal.AI For Free Today!